2014年4月6日 星期日


When anger scares you - How to Overcome Your Fear of Conflict and Learn to Express Your Anger in Healthy Ways (by John R. Lynch, PH.D.)

p. 24 ....Rageful behaviours silence, shame, intimidate, or otherwise eliminate the source of the threat.

Rage behaviour include:

  • Physical violence
  • shaming
  • screaming
  • intimidating
  • controlling
  • sarcasm
  • silence
  • refusing to talk about a problem
  • sullen and sulking behaviours
  • threats to end a relationship when attempts to control it don't work
  • financial punishment
  • verbal or emotional attcks
  • humiliating a partner
  • accusing and assigning malicious intent
  • pathologizing or dehumanizing another
  • punching a wall to intimidate or silience
  • posturing as if you are going to hit someone, and verbal threats to hit if the other person doesn't comply




今年七月便迎來自己48歲的生日, 本命年, 犯太歲. 以往不信命理沒有理會, 人到中年不得不信命, 今年初批家事煩, 悶氣沉沉利外遊散心和搬屋, 家中長輩會突然入院.  好的唔靈醜的靈, 父親突然入院做微創手術, 幸好恢復良好, 妹妹又收到要轉院通知, 要四處奔波, 人到中年到了...