2014年2月25日 星期二

遊台中, 台北 (第二次)



Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6



08:15 機場集合




11:40 到達台中

-早餐: 民宿內



10:30 合歡山主峰-堆雪人

- 早餐: 民宿內  
- 往台中市

- 東海大學

- 理想國藝術街(品嘗豆花, 黑木耳露)

- 早餐

- 烏來:

1) 泰雅族博物館

2) 乘坐台車上山

3) 烏來老街(品嘗台灣土豬肉腸)

 - 早餐  
09:00 車遊覽:

1) 淡水: 淡江大學(宮燈路/宮殿教室/遠眺淡水河觀音山)

2) 淡水: 中正路/渡船頭

3) 淡水:魚丸湯/溫州餛飩


- 早餐


- 退房





13:00 包車司機接機


1) 車埕

2) 紙教堂

3) 18度巧克力工房



- 午餐 維吉諾餐廰(英式下午茶)


14:00 清境農場: 青青草原, 馬術表演


14:00 高鐵往臺北 (鐵路便當NTD100)







- 午餐

- 主日崇拜: 浸信會懷恩堂 (公館)



4) 野柳 (石質公園, 女王頭)

5) 九份 (手信街), 品嘗芋圓豆花

6) 十份(放天燈)


-貓空纜車, 木柵動物園 
( 觀看熊貓團團圓圓, 圓仔)


- 15:00  前往桃園機場(機場巴士, 再來鐵路便當)




4) 塔洛灣烤雞





- 晚餐 (雲南段家菜)




19:30 西門町/ 蜂大咖啡


21:00 士林夜+ 餐點 (品嘗水果)


- 校園(福音)書房


-晚餐: 火鍋 (天外天)


-19:30 晚餐: 圓創藝和食(精緻的日本菜)



19:30 航班回香港


21:15 到達香港

這次遊台是由姊妹策劃的自由行, 行程緊密豐富, 以上作為參考. 今次我們一行七人, 在台中頭三天都是包架大車, 司機大哥很細心, 所以我們原本由包一天改為包三天, 他像導遊般細心, 介紹特別的境點, 所以我們晚餐也和他一起吃. 今次最開心是清境, 天公造美, 既有雪境, 又有櫻花和山櫻, 天氣又好, 所以照片都很美啊!


2014年2月15日 星期六


這部電影反戰, 但卻是以德國人的角度看. 納粹受害者不單單是猶太人, 還有整個其他與之相關的人, 全都是有血有肉的. 曾參觀德國集中營和柏林猶太受難紀念區, 展示了一個人, 一個家族的命運因大時代而改變, 那種恐懼, 絕望, 就像等待被宰的羔羊.

說回電影, 因為母親是共產黨員身份而逃亡, 本來Liesel 和弟弟一起被送到寄養家庭, 可是弟弟中途死亡, 在將他埋葬時, 工人將殡儀人員手冊掉下, 而Liesel 將之拾起保存留念. Liesel 是文盲, 連自己的名字也不懂, 在學校被欺付, 倔強的她也不是善男信女, 把對方打個片甲不留. 她結識了鄰居男孩Rudy, 他是純種德國人, 金髮男眼, 體格出眾, 被選為精英入伍訓練. 兩人一起結伴, 生活雖困苦, 也有開心快活一面. 養父母對她不錯, 養父是個油漆工, 學識不高, 但也耐心地教她讀書寫字, 慢慢地她也追上程度了.

養父恩人之子Max(猶太人)來投靠, 住在地庫, 他是知識份子, 教她用眼寫字, 鼓勵她文字創作, 另外市長夫人又讓她看小型圖書館的書(又一奇遇, 在市長發現後不許她來, 她就偷偷地借來看, 因而被 Rudy稱之為偷書賊), 文字成為她的精神支柱....

可能因為是兒童書的關係, 故事都是有驚無險, 就算是養父母及Rudy死去, 也淡然描寫, 所以戲情也有點平舖直敍了.

2014年2月14日 星期五

facebook增48性別選項 無性變性任揀

全球有逾12億用戶的社交網站facebook,用戶性別選項大革新,除了傳統的男和女之外,破天荒新增48種不同性別選項,包括變性人甚至雌雄同體等, 任由用戶按自我感覺自訂,而代名詞也由傳統的「他和她」外,新增「他們」,在全球引起極大迴響。

談到人類性別,傳統以來只有二分,性別非男即女,但可有想過社會有不少人其實有不同的性別認同?fb說為了包容這些人,即日起新增48種選項,包括無性人 (Agender)、陰陽人(Androgyne)、雙性人(Bigender)、心理認同為女性(Cis Female)等,也可以選擇性別不一致或性別質疑中。


新分類極為細緻,變性人可列明是男變女(MTF)還是女變男(FTM)。跨性別類更有多達17種選項,包括「跨性別女性」、「跨性別女人」或單純「跨性別 人」等名稱極相似的選擇。不過暫時只有英文(美國)語言中有相關選項,其他語言要稍後才能支援。
有份負責今次變革的fb軟件工程師哈里森,本身也 由男變女,並即時將自己fb檔案中的「女性」改為「跨性別女性」,她認為對相關人士來說是很大的社會認同。有用戶坦言現在感覺「更像人」,用戶也將fb性 別由男性轉為中性,他說:「這鼓勵人們從傳統二元範圍以外思考,也意味我不必再強迫自己剔選錯誤的選項。」


心理認同為女性(Cis Female)
心理認同為男性(Cis Male)
跨性別人(Trans Person)
變性人(Transexual Person)
時男時女(Gender Fluid)
性別不一致(Gender Nonconforming)
性別質疑中(Gender Questioning)

6歲可接受死亡教育 (蘋果日報2014年2月15日)

兒童何時才有生死觀念、適合決定是否接受安樂死?美國心理學會臨床心理專家羅志華認為,小孩最早6、7歲可以接受死亡教育;若然執意要安樂死,亦要得親人 與醫學專家同意。

小孩能否選擇結束生命,羅志華指他們不能自行決定,而是要家長、主診醫生與心理醫生一同磋商,「不死的話是否要受苦、他的生存意志有多強、身體還能靠儀器 維持多久等」。兒童要對生、死有正確觀念,就要接受正規死亡教育,起碼知道死亡是由腦部狀況而非心臟功能決定、了解死亡的影響,「很多小朋友以為死了就是 『Game Over』,卻不知道一個人自殺,至少影響到身邊12個人」。

安樂死不限年齡 比利時掀爭議 (蘋果日報2014年2月15日)

國會通過新法 成全球首例
安樂死不限年齡 比利時掀爭議


生死大事,應該交由小孩自己決定嗎?比利時國會眾議院前天(周四)通過新法案,為安樂死撤除年齡限制,成為全球首例,小童都有權利要求安樂死,引起極大爭 議。支持者認為最重要是為病童提供合法而有尊嚴的選擇,反對者則認為立法倉促,而且存在太多灰色地帶,最大疑慮是兒童未必真正了解何謂死亡。

比利時眾議院前天以86票贊成、44票反對、12票棄權,大比數通過法案,讓患有不治之症的兒童有權提出要求安樂死,公眾席上一名男子以法語大叫「殺人 犯」,抗議法案通過,他隨即被帶離會場。                      
支持法案的比利時社會黨議員拉利厄(Karine Lalieux)說︰「這不是向誰實施安樂死的問題,而是讓小孩不再承受痛苦。」另一名社會黨人邦特(Hans Bonte)認為,所有比利時人包括未成年人士,都應享有權利「在人道情況下向生命道別」,而不必擔心會犯法。法案最重要是向病童及其家人提供「選擇」。
比 利時由2002年起准許18歲或以上人士尋求安樂死,法案通過後將撤除年齡限制,但對未成年病人安樂死附加多項嚴格規定,包括病童必須意識清醒,有識別能 力,完全能理解「無法治癒,生命即將走向終點」的準確含意,獲得父母或監護人,以及心理醫生同意後,才能由醫生執行。參議院去年12月已通過有關法案,待 國王菲利普(King Philippe)簽署後就正式生效。
八成民眾信奉天主教的比利時社會,對撤除安樂死年齡限制大致支持,去年一項民意調查 有73%人贊成向兒童賦予安樂死權利,但宗教界和部份醫護界人士大加反對。天主教、基督教、伊斯蘭教和猶太教領袖罕見地發表聯合聲明,譴責法案「走一步也 太多」,憂慮立法將為「殘障或癡呆人士、精神病患者和厭世人士打開安樂死之門」。


反對議案的基督教民主黨議員貝克失望地形容「全世界驚愕地看着我們」,指兒童對死亡的「識別能力」是模糊概念,醫生難以準確判斷小孩是否明白到底自己在決 定甚麼,「解除痛楚」的理由也不足說服醫學界,癌症專家弗朗科特說︰「現今很多痛楚可獲舒緩,善終關懷服務也有長足進展。」批評者又指法案有太多灰色地 帶,例如若父母對孩子安樂死持不同意見將如何處理等。




2014年2月11日 星期二

If You Want More Out of Life, Just Ask (轉載)

If You Want More Out of Life, Just Ask

Asking for what you want is highly correlated with getting it.

I'm a complete sucker for being asked to do things. I sometimes actively avoid people because I know that if they ask me to do something I will be physically unable to say no. My cats know this. My children know this. Charities seem to know this too, because they've forced me into hiding. I must be on some kind of global watchlist somewhere as a celebrity philanthropist. But I'm not. I'm just a regular guy. Probably not much different from you.
Actually, I know I'm no special case because entire books have been written on helping people to learn how to say no. They're on my reading list, I promise. I guess saying no isn't an easy thing to do. Most of us want to be liked. And what easier way to achieve that than to simply fold along all those joints in our spine.
For some reason, though, when it comes to getting other people to do stuff, we assume they're tougher than we are. We fail to realize that often all that's needed is to ask plainly for what we want. We think things are trickier than they are and that people need to be fooled into doing things. But most people don't want to be fooled into doing things. They just want to be asked. 
So what's the first lesson I teach in my persuasion courses: Learn to ask for what you want.
There is no technique in the psychological literature with more power to persuade than simply asking.
One of my most favorite psychological studies of all time is based on simply asking. It was conducted in the late 70s by Clark and Hatfield (1989) and it goes like this. Male and female volunteers randomly went up to people of the opposite sex around campus and, after saying they found the person attractive, asked one of three questions: 'Would you go out with me tonight?', 'Would you come over to my apartment tonight?', or 'Would you go to bed with me tonight?'. Give yourself a second to think about the results you would predict. How often are women likely to comply with either of these three questions? How often are men likely to comply?
Men, as it turns out, were more willing to go to bed with a woman (75%) than to go dinner with her (only 50%), with going to their apartment falling in between (69%). Women, on the other hand, were completely unwilling to go bed with a random unknown man (0%), and were only slightly more willing to go to their apartment (6%). However, more than half of women were willing to go to dinner with a random male stranger (56%). Whether you're a woman or a man, the big lesson here is not that women don't sleep with random men while men will sleep with most anybody. We knew this already. The real lesson is that asking someone on a date, someone you've never even met before, has about even odds of success. Given the mythological difficulties associated with finding a date, this result says mountains about the hidden power of asking. If you ever try this, you should ask them to pay too!
Studies with the simple message of 'just ask' are bountiful. In another study by Santos (1974), a female student posing as a panhandler goes up to people on the street and asks for money. In the 'just ask' condition, the number of people who offer money is 22%, with an average gift of approximately 50 cents. If the 'homeless' student asks for a slightly odd amount of money like 17 cents (or 37 cents in another condition), the hit rate goes up to 36%, with an average gift of about 37 cents. The authors make the point that the interesting request (what they call the 'pique' technique) facilitates persuasion. But simply asking amounted to about a dime per person asked in profit. People who don't ask don't get money. People who ask in interesting ways get slightly more than those who asked, but not by much.
In another, now famous, study by Langer et al. (1978), a person wants to break in line at the copy machine and asks if he can. In one condition, he just asks 'Excuse me, I have 5 pages, can I use the copy machine?'. Approximately 60% of people asked were happy to comply with the request. Compliance was facilitated a bit with a little 'placebic information', like, 'Can I use the copy machine because I need to make copies.' Or, 'Can I use the copy machine because I'm in a hurry.' In these cases compliance was above 90%. The message again is, if you want something, your first port of call should be to ask for it.
Most of us underestimate the power of asking. A recent study by Flynn and Lake (2008) brings the point home. They asked participants to get five other people to fill out a short 5 to 10 minute questionnaire. They also asked the participants to predict how many other people they would have to ask to get five people to comply with their request. Most participants in the study overestimated the number of people they would have to ask. They predicted it would take twice as many as it actually took. In fact, to get five people to fill out the questionnaire, people had to ask about 10 people. That's a hit rate of 50%—a lot like asking random people to go out to dinner with you.
Asking is a powerful thing. You can ask for specific things, like a hug, or you can ask for more general things, like information. According to a study by Annette Lareau, a priviledged middle-class upbringing often leads children to feel like they deserve things and so they ask for them. As a result, their lives tend to be better than children who fail to ask questions. A sense of entitlement that leads you to ask questions is self-reinforcing. It tends to get you what you want.
Perhaps more importantly, it sometimes gets you what you need. Malcolm Gladwell does an excellent job in 'Outliers' of describing the perils of airplane pilots who fail to ask questions of their superiors and instead crash into mountains. In some of my own studies I've found that students who fail to ask questions in classrooms are generally more worried about looking ignorant than they are about mastering the material. You can imagine the sad result of this catch-22.
If you're in the need for more inspiration to just ask, here's a lecture from a master, Amanda Palmer.
The moral of this story: If you want more out of life, learn to ask for it.

Clark, Russell D., and Elaine Hatfield. "Gender differences in receptivity to sexual offers." Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality 2.1 (1989): 39-55.
Flynn, Francis J., and Vanessa KB Lake. "If you need help, just ask: underestimating compliance with direct requests for help." Journal of personality and social psychology 95.1 (2008): 128.
Langer, Ellen J., Arthur Blank, and Benzion Chanowitz. "The mindlessness of ostensibly thoughtful action: The role of" placebic" information in interpersonal interaction." Journal of personality and social psychology 36.6 (1978): 635.
Lareau, Annette. Unequal childhoods: Class, race, and family life. University of California Pr, 2011.
Santos, Michael D., Craig Leve, and Anthony R. Pratkanis. "Hey Buddy, Can You Spare Seventeen Cents? Mindful Persuasion and the Pique Technique1." Journal of Applied Social Psychology 24.9 (1994): 755-764.

2014年2月5日 星期三


幾乎每年都會約他吃生日飯, 反之亦然. 相識差不多十五年了, 由年輕的二十頭, 到幾近中年的三十尾. 很奇怪的組合, 他是我女性朋友的前男友, 他們只相交了很短時間就分手, 我就私下聯絡他, 我相信初初互有好感, 但大約半年後他已和現在的老婆拍拖起來了. 有些失落但很快就釋然了, 做個朋友也好.

他今年問我, 其實你的擇偶條件是什麼, 唔, 要是個會看書的男人. 他說很難找啊! 我問, 你看書嗎, 看的. 就是這樣, 會看書的男人不是沒有, 只是最終他會娶的又不會是我這個類型的. 他的太太我不認識, 但看來是個很家庭, 很節儉的女人, 所以如亦舒所言, 我們愛的是一些人, 與之結婚的又是另一些人.

2014年2月1日 星期六

安裝舌頭導盲儀 (蘋果日報2014年2月2日)

安裝舌頭導盲儀 (蘋果日報2014年2月2日)

【本報訊】「小斌斌係個好聰明、好活潑嘅細路哥,佢好堅強,心理恢復得好快。」為小斌斌安裝義眼的本港眼科醫生林順潮表示,該雙義眼護理十分簡單,平時只 需用潤眼眼藥水清潔,每月拿出來清洗一次便可;再過半年等小斌斌完全適應盲人生活後,就可安裝舌頭導盲儀。

該款由美國BrainPort科技研發的舌頭導盲儀由三部份組成,第一部份是戴在頭上的攝像機,拍攝眼前影像後傳輸到一部微型圖像處理器,將影像變換成數 碼影像,以脈衝形式將數碼影像傳輸到電極感應器上;電極感應器只需放在失明人士的舌頭上,有關影像的訊號就會透過舌頭神經傳遞到大腦的「視覺區域」;大腦 視覺區域就會將影像還原。「當然失明人『見』到嘅只係物體一個大概輪廓,而且冇色彩,只係灰白兩色」。
正常人使用該套舌頭導盲儀,有關影像訊號只 會傳到大腦的感覺皮層,簡單而言,只會感到舌頭上的電極感應器跳動,但感應不到圖像;相反,盲人就可以。「醫學上,暫時都未有解釋。」林順潮補充,該套導 盲儀毋須做手術,但需培訓一星期才能適應使用,整筆費用約3萬美元,如情況許可,將於今年6月為小斌斌安裝,助他回復空間、線條、光亮的感觀,以應付簡單 的生活。
對於外界有建議為小斌斌安裝電子眼,林順潮坦言,雖然外國已有人使用電子眼,其原理與舌頭導盲差不多,只是其影像直接傳遞到大腦的視覺區 域,不需要經過舌頭;但該項技術仍未成熟,且安裝時需要開顱安裝電子設備,目前來說暫不適合小斌斌使用。                                                                         


今年七月便迎來自己48歲的生日, 本命年, 犯太歲. 以往不信命理沒有理會, 人到中年不得不信命, 今年初批家事煩, 悶氣沉沉利外遊散心和搬屋, 家中長輩會突然入院.  好的唔靈醜的靈, 父親突然入院做微創手術, 幸好恢復良好, 妹妹又收到要轉院通知, 要四處奔波, 人到中年到了...